
Stick Welding With Caps

PPE and Tools

Introduction to Welding Processes

Fillet Weld

Fundamentals of TIG welding - Autogenous process

Electrode Selection

Using Clamps to Weld

Welding Helmets

Introduction to Tig Welding

Tig Torch Assembly

Pipe Welding

Tips and Tricks with Tig Welding

Tack Welding

Five Weld Joints

Tig Welding Gas Coverage

Stainless Steel Fire Pit

Learn About Tig Welding

Turning off the Torch

Mastering Oxy-Acetylene Cutting: 30° Angle Technique

How to Perform a Mechanical Leak Test for Oxy-Fuel Equipment

Neutral Flame

Setup Oxy Fuel

Dry Run Cutting

Intro to Oxy Fuel

Oxygen PSI